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제목 The beauty and balance of pure white is a unique and representative form of....



The white porcelain jar is usually wide with a height over 40 cm . It is also


called the "Moon jar", which is reminiscent of a full moon with a milk-white




During the first century of the late 18th through the early 19th century,


It is presumed to be manufactured in the official kilns(Gwangju,Kyeonggi-do)




Because of its sheer size, it was hard to put it up on the spinning wheel so that it


 was made by throwing the top and bottom sections separately and joining them


 at the center to complete the molding and firing, which seemed to be a very


difficult work.


The beauty and balance of pure white is a unique and representative form of


white porcelain, unprecedented in the world.


The curve of the body line is round and very glamorous.


With a soft curve, rounding about the shoulder, narrowing steadily without any


defect until arriving at the bottom, almost in a perfect circle. It is typical style of


 white porcelain in mid-Chosun Dynasty, the appearance and curve of wide


mouth opening and the narrow lower areas make it voluminous and stable,


 providing a sense of harmony and balance.


The whole surface of the porcelain is evenly arranged without any marks, which


shows that it is produced


in the highest level of environment and is close to the curved vertical and tidily




Its height is 50.7 cm, diameter of body 47.2 cm, diameter of mouth 24.5 cm, and


diameter of bottom 17.8 cm.


The shape of the body is round and voluminous. It doesn’t have any defect in


the combined middle part, so the curve is a nearly perfect circle.


The glaze is transparent without any colors, which appears to see through the


white color of the clay as it is, and has a subtle pin-hole on the front side and a


good melting status. The clay used is selected, its density is slightly lower, and


celadon is pure white or slightly pale blue.

