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제목 Jikji Shimjisimjeolgyo (Goryeo printed Jikji )

직지심체요절 고려 1377.jpg



Head of the National Library of Paris, France, 24.6×17.1cm, 1377 (Wuwang 3), Jikji Shimjisimjeolgyo




Jikji Shimjisimjeolgyo (Goryeo printed Jikji )


It is currently housed in the Oriental Literature Room of the National Library of France. Colleen Dplanci, who was appointed as the first deputy minister of Korea since the Korea-Fuji Treaty was signed in 1886, worked in Korea to collect ancient books and cultural as seatstone temple went over to France. Deplancy donated most of the ancient books collected in Korea to her alma mater, the Oriental Language School, where Henri Weber bought jikji at 180 francs and later donated them to the French National Library.



The Difference Between Metal Type of Goryeo and Metal Type of Gutenberg


The metal type of Goryeo printed Jikji is carved into wax (which is usually solid as the main ingredient of a candle and easily melts when heated), then wrapped in cast soil, and then heated to melt wax. This melts the wax and creates a lettering space on the casting soil. After pouring water into this area, you can remove the cast clay and the type is complete.


But the problem is, with this type-making method, you can't print a variety of books. Because I couldn't recycle my existing molds, I had to reprint every time I made a book. Even if you reuse the old type, it's only a small amount. You couldn't make all the Chinese characters into metal type all at once. In the end, the reason why the metal type technology of Goryeo could not be popularized was because of this disadvantage.


On the other hand, Gutenberg's metal type, the first of its kind in the West, was able to popularize printing. The reason is that once the phonetic alphabet was created, it could only change the arrangement of the letters and make other books. On top of that, Gutenberg printed the Bible from the start, and made the printing press with the mass printing in mind at the rate of selling it to the public.


And in fact, the Bible, printed by Gutenberg, has been sold in large quantities, leading to a printing revolution in European society. Our country has developed the world's first metal type, but this is why it has made Gutenberg's printing work even higher worldwide.


Gyeonghan, a Buddhist monk of the Goryeo Dynasty, is a book composed of two volumes, compiled from the contents necessary to realize the essence of Seton. The official signature is "Baekunhwa super-rocket organization core" and "Jikjisimjeol" in a neuston. The contents are important for the investigation, including various departments of the modern era, as well as the study of historical documents such as 'Gyeongdeok Preregistration' and 'Sunmoon Gyesong' and 'Geumun Song' and to realize the structure of the ancient kings' names, names, poems, and laws


The book was printed with a metal type, a runner, at Heungdeok Temple in the suburbs of Cheongju and Mok in July, 1377, three years after his entry into the country. Of the two volumes published at that time, only one book (the first chapter is concluded) has been passed on so far.


The book's whereabouts were unknown earlier, though it was introduced in an appendix to the "Bibliography Coréannie" compiled by Frenchman Courant (M), which was first unveiled in 1972 at a book fair to commemorate the World Book Year. It was donated to the National Library of France in 1950 to the French National Library that was collected by Prancy (C. de), who was appointed to Seoul as a French representative in Korea at the end of the day.


In the Goryeo Dynasty, when the liquor of casting and printing of type was very immature, a temple in a province other than government offices was printed by traditional wax casting, so the printing conditions were rather poor because the size and shape of the type were uneven and the insufficient characters were supplemented with wood type.


However, its value is highly valued not only in Korea but also in the world as it is the oldest precious cultural heritage in the world as it is the only metal printed capital of various kinds that has been passed down in the literature.