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제목 Depending on the way you use green tea, you can divide green tea into two types of tea.



cha ciyeoun.jpg



Depending on the way you use green tea, you can divide green tea into two types of tea, a cup of tea and a cup of steamed tea.'


Salcheng is the process of heating a tea leaf, limiting the action of an oxidase, making tissues soft, melt and help process a car.


The dried tea leaves were made by rubbing or grinding. In China, tea made of chunks after being steamed was popular, but after Myeongdae, it was mixed with leaf tea.


But even today, tea made from steamed is still prevalent in Japan.

Cadekin (the main ingredient of tannine) and caffeine in tea leaves are bitter and bitter, while chlorophyll and carotenoids have a stale taste and a green smell.


Buchocha tea (Gamasot tea) ripens the flavor of tea through bargan (the process of baking and boiling the non-bean tea leaves back in a pot).

Steam chilblains are easily broken, so it is not easy to work in the stomach, so they can be dried by heat, or they can be artificially reduced in cadekin.


Currently in our country, decrease tea is mainly made due to the ease of processing and the influence of Japanese tea culture. However, the under-made tea leaves bitter taste and underdone fragrance.


Because buchos and jesue tea are different ways of making them, the way they are brewed must be very different. Because it draws easily, make tea after cooling the boiling water to 70 to 80 ℃.


This is because of the bitter taste and the smell of green meat when the water is hot.







The buchos tea needs to be brewed in water at around 90 ℃ for original taste.

Those of you who are confident that you can drink tea from your car say, " It's bland. "


In order for us to enjoy the flavor of our buchos tea, which is clean, soft, and deep, we need to shake off the false ideas soaked in saganism as soon as possible.