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제목 Even for those who know Korea well, the island .... 등록일 2018.08.08 10:16
글쓴이 galleria





Even for those who know Korea well, the island



province of



Cheju is something marvelous.



Awash in green and violet seas far to the south of the



peninsula, its climate is almost tropical, with citrus fruits



and exotic blossoms flourishing. lts landscape is nearly



lunar, strewn with pitted boulders and slabs of black basalt



spewed up by volcanic activity millions of years past.



lt has been called the island of rocks, wind and women



and traditionally lacks thieves, beggars and gates.



lt is also a place where stalwart women dive to dizzying



depths undersea to harvest shellfish and seaweed.



Whatever else Cheju may be, one is safe in saying that it’s



a place where the changing seasons give a pageant of



beauty both unusual and timeless, and natural treasures of



the sea give both enjoyment and nourishment.


Title- Cheiu Island


Material-oil on Canvas


Size-width41cm,length 53cm


Period- Modern


Artist_ Chang Hyelim






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