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제목 Hongs the director of the Leeum Samsung Museum of Art 등록일 2017.09.12 10:16
글쓴이 david



Hong Ra-hee, the director of the Leeum Samsung Museum of Art, resigned from the position



of director in the aftermath of Lee Jae-yong, the vice chairman of Samsung, being arrested



on the charges of bribery and other offenses with President Park Geun-hye.



President Park Geun-hye has a rippling social effect, charging of letting a close friend, Choi



Soon Sil meddle in state affairs.



It is hard to accept losing one of the world’s prolific art collectors.



She was one of the most influential figures in art and culture.



There is no doubt that this is a heartbreaking issue brought by collusion.



In the past, she had resigned for three years until Samsung scandals abated but returned as



director again.



But this time, I hope she would make an absolute decision before she loses everything.



In my personal opinion, it may not be easy to do so, but the best solution is to donate to the



society. or let someone else in her family takes over the management.



I can not help but worry about the aftermath of Park’s impeachment.



I am neither a pro nor a con, just hoping that they would have taken that as a lesson in the



case of the US



Watergate scandal. The mistakes that Park Geun-hye government has come to light at this



point, which



issued from incorrigible political corruption and crony capitalism that couldn't seem to



break off. Massive military buildups of the United States, China, and


Japan show that



global situations, where ethical



standards seem to fade, are rushing like a bustling locomotive.



As you see words and behaviors of Presidents of so-called powerful nations, lack of qualities,






their policies that seem to deceive, even the eyes of an ordinary


 person as myself can



recognize them, I just extremely worried about how long they will last.



Unsavory realities are largely the result of government and private partnerships. While



Presidents and



politicians are the main culprits, they don't seem to feel shameful and keep on doing so.





From now on, I think it would be necessary to get trained to attain patriotism to become a








Although the history of Materialism has led to destruction, I just feel sorrowful for the reality



which lacks of



consideration for next generation.



I have spent my whole 30 years to cultivate an organic green tea farm and establish an art






In 2017, I am struggling with a pain and suffering to realize the mighty wall of harsh reality.



In order to be completed by 2020, I am hoping for a brighter and better world and that the threats of

 zealots like in North Korea and the Middle East can find peaceful resolutions through education of their youth.



But even if not, I am prepared to go my own way for the future generations.




Written by David Chang




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